Secondments & Staffing
For clients whose first priority is to address legal issues quickly and efficiently, there is no better option than having attorneys work in your own offices on a daily basis.
While secondments offered by other law firms often require clients to spend significant time and preparation in the training of secondees, Washton & Gitto has the breadth of experience to prepare its attorneys to adeptly handle the subject matter and practical aspects of the job ahead. Our attorneys are carefully selected to ensure smooth integration into our clients’ businesses and, most importantly, provide excellent legal and client service.
In addition to providing exceptional attorneys to its clients, the leadership of Washton & Gitto is committed to maintaining an ongoing presence in the client/secondee relationship. A Washton & Gitto secondment is an extension of the Firm’s leadership into your daily business, with the added convenience of having attorneys whose sole focus is providing solutions to issues as they arise, in real time.